English Gesellschaft Politik

Snipers in Paris and Berlin

Paris, France, 1. December 2018 – Protests of the Yellow Vests against the Macron regime: Des snipers sur les #ChampsElysees #GiletsJaunes #1erDecembre #ArcDeTriomphe #Macron #MacronDemission #YellowVests pic.twitter.com/ng1vR6wJ9U — LarryGiletJaune 🍀 (@LarryLeChanceux) 1. Dezember 2018 Berlin, Germany, 3. October 2018 – Celebrations at the „Day of the German Unification“: Translation: „Whether

English Gesellschaft Politik Webfundstück Wissenschaft

The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine: Revelations from Trials and Investigations

My #multimedia iposter presentation, entitled 'The #Maidan Massacre in #Ukraine: Revelations from Trials and Investigations,' at Annual Meeting of the American Political Studies Association in Boston is available at the APSA website #APSA2018 @APSAtweets https://t.co/n1DhX6ZKh6 pic.twitter.com/vpYPlXMbM3 — Ivan Katchanovski (@I_Katchanovski) 31. August 2018

English Gesellschaft Politik Wissenschaft

Invented ‚Jewish-Ukrainian Nationalist‘ to Whitewash Its Nazi-era Past

Jared McBride, Haaretz: „Ukraine’s Invented a ‚Jewish-Ukrainian Nationalist‘ to Whitewash Its Nazi-era Past„. „Myth-making efforts by the Ukraine to glorify the WWII role of one ‚archetypal‘ Jew, Leiba Dubrovskii, is part of Kyiv’s war on memory: its eager attempts to erase anti-Semitism, brutality and complicity with the Nazis from its
