Für Edward #Snowden ist es die wichtigste Enthüllung über den Überwachungsstaat, die man in den kommenden Jahren zu sehen bekommen wird, für die #Lügenpresse #ARD #ZDF #DLF etc. ist es kein Thema… https://t.co/LAS4WW92KA
— Dokumentor (@propagandaschau) 26. Juni 2018
The most important surveillance story you will see for years just went online, revealing how @ATT became the internet’s biggest enemy, secretly collaborating against its customers and partners to destroy your privacy. https://t.co/nUGPjFSYh5
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) 25. Juni 2018
Revealing eight buildings across the US, hidden in plain sight, that documents & sources indicate are central to one of NSA’s largest & most controversial internet surveillance programs: https://t.co/oRTrWojE6B pic.twitter.com/3um2byS4zp
— Ryan Gallagher (@rj_gallagher) 25. Juni 2018