Seven year old Bana and her mum made a big mistake in an interview with turkish broadcaster TRT (February 2017). In their terrible English, they said that Bana didn’t read J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter in Aleppo in Syria (and they just bought an eBook reader in Istanbul). The western propaganda showed other pictures and made the girl with the eBook a propaganda meme.
Interviewer: So, I’m gonna start with … Nursina …T… on Twitter asks: ‚How do you find the Harry Potter books J.K. Rowling sent you?‘. So I know that J.K. Rowling sent you Harry Potter books, right? …
Bana: Yes.
Interviewer: She was a big fan of you. She was worried about you. She wanted to know if you gonna be okay.
Bana: Yes.
Interviewer: So did you read them?
Bana: Yes.
Mother: Yääs. Bäna what book you were read the first?
Bana: Harry Potter.
Mother: First book she…
Bana und Mutter: She…
Mother: Yes. She reads a first book now…
Interviewer: Ähömm…
Bana: One…
Mother: She started reading … ähh reading it because äääähhh when we were in East-Aleppo ääh we don’t have enough electricity (to) charge our mobile phone and it was an a-book … a-books, so … now we äähhh we we buy one and she start reading it from book and she is happy and watch movie with reading the book.
Interviewer: Do you watch the movie?
Bana: Yes.
Interviewer: Harry Potter?
Bana: Yes.
Interviewer: Did you like it? Not scary?
Bana: No.
Interviewer: The snakes and monsters and witches?
Bana: No.
CNN, April 14th 2017, two months AFTER this interview: „J.K. Rowling, the British author of the Harry Potter series, responded by sending Bana eBooks of the entire series. Just a few days later, Bana shared a photo of herself and her two younger brothers, Mohammed, 5, and Noor, 3, reading one of the books.“. Including this Tweet from November 24st 2016:
More about Bana Alabed:
The Crucifixion of Bana Alabed
Unravelling “Bana”: a Response to Bellingcat’s Article “Finding Bana”
SYRIA: Child Exploitation: Who is ‘Bana of Aleppo’?
zum verarschen gehören halt immer 2, der verarscht und der sich verarschen läßt.
in diesem fall sind aber mehr am verarschen als auf der gegenseite. wenn man die hiesigen medien betrachtet, dann sind es ungleich mehr die verarschen, wobei sie wohl an ihrer neuen puppe Bana keinen spaß mehr haben, sie liegt wohl in der ecke…
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