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Atomkrieg wegen Al Kaida?

Kranke Welt, Krieg und Terror statt Einhörner: Die USA ist mittlerweile – wie hier bereits mehrfach berichtet – mehr oder weniger offen und zumindest in Syrien mit Al Kaida/Al Qaida verbündet – die Tagesschau „berichtet“ schon seit längerem entsprechend. Mit der Terrorgruppe also, die von der US-Regierung für die Anschläge des 11. September 2001 (9/11) verantwortlich gemacht wird, die den Krieg gegen den Terror erst möglich machten. US-Investigativjournalist Robert Parry nimmt darauf in einem aktuellen Artikel bezug. Die Türkei, Saudi-Arabien, die USA und andere westliche oder „prowestliche“ Länder und Regierungen, sie unterstützen die Al Kaida in Syrien und diese Unterstützung könnte, wenn es blöd läuft, sogar in den 3. Weltkrieg – gegen Russland – führen, Atomwaffeneinsatz inklusive.

Robert Parry schreibt in dem Artikel „Risking Nuclear War for Al Qaeda?“ auf seiner Website Consortiumnews unter anderem:

„If Turkey (with hundreds of thousands of troops massed near the Syrian border) and Saudi Arabia (with its sophisticated air force) follow through on threats and intervene militarily to save their rebel clients, who include Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front, from a powerful Russian-backed Syrian government offensive, then Russia will have to decide what to do to protect its 20,000 or so military personnel inside Syria.


The dilemma for Obama is that many traditional U.S. allies, such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have been the principal backers and funders of Sunni terror groups inside Syria, including Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and – to a lesser degree – the Islamic State. Now, the “allies” want the United States to risk a nuclear confrontation with Russia to, in effect, protect Al Qaeda.


The twisted reality was acknowledged by no less an authority than Vice President Joe Biden during a talk at Harvard in 2014. Biden answered a student’s question by saying Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had “poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad.” The result, Biden said, was that “the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.”. [Anmerkung: „Kämpfer aus dem Ausland“, das sagt auch der Bischof von Aleppo]


In reality, however, the so-called “moderate” rebels around Aleppo and Idlib are Al Qaeda’s junior partners whose value to the cause is that they qualify for CIA weaponry that can then be passed on to Nusra as well as Nusra’s key ally Ahrar al-Sham and other jihadist fighters. Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, the chief elements of the Saudi-created “Army of Conquest,” deployed U.S. TOW missiles to devastating effect against the Syrian army in the jihadists’ victory last year in Idlib province, a success that finally prompted Putin to commit Russian air power to defend the Syrian government last September.


The bizarre goal of saving Al Qaeda’s skin presumably would not be a very good selling point to get Americans behind a new war that could pit nuclear-armed Russia against nuclear-armed America with all the horrors that such a conflict could entail.


But today the stakes include a potential nuclear showdown with Russia — with the United States being urged to take on that existential risk for all humankind on behalf of preserving Al Qaeda’s hopes for raising its black flag over Damascus. If there has ever been a crazier demand by major foreign policy players in Official Washington, it is hard to imagine what it might have been.“

Spendenkonto für die Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Stern/Bertelsmann-Konzern