Die bulgarische Journalistin Dilyana Gaytandzhieva hat einiges zur Aufdeckung der Versorgung der Kämpfer des angeblichen „Islamischen Staates“ (IS, ISIS, ISIG, ISIL, Daesh) sowie anderer Terrorgruppen in Syrien und Yemen mit in Europa auf dem Balkan fabrizierten Waffen getan. Unter anderem präsentiert sie auch Originaldokumente, die Waffenlieferungen an die radikalislamistischen Kämpfer und Söldner belegen.
Hier Textanrisse zu einigen der Berichte der Investigativ-Reporterin Gaytandzhieva, veröffentlicht auf der Website armswatch.com. Die Überschrift enthält den jeweiligen Link:
US Task Force Smoking Gun smuggles weapons to Syria: Serbia files (part 2)
„New leaked documents expose for the first time a secret US Special Operations Command unit code named Task Force Smoking Gun. It has been deployed in Croatia since 2017 and tasked with diverting tons of arms and ammunition from Europe to Syria.
Recently I anonymously received explosive documents about arms deals between the US Government and the Serbian state owned-arms manufacturer Krusik, including contracts, e-mails, internal memos, photos, delivery schedules, and packing lists of weapons with lot numbers and their buyers. Among the leaked documents I also received scanned passports of arms dealers and government officials from the US. They have visited Krusik to buy weapons for the Pentagon Train and Equip program for militants in Syria.“
Islamic State weapons in Yemen traced back to US Government: Serbia files (part 1)
„While US President Donald Trump boasts about the defeat of Islamic State in Syria, US government-purchased weapons appear in the hands of Islamic State terrorists in Yemen.
Recently I anonymously received explosive documents from the Serbian state-owned arms companies Krusik and Jugoimport SDPR, including e-mails, internal memos, contracts, photos, delivery schedules, and packing lists with lot numbers of weapons and their buyers. Among the leaked documents I also received scanned passports of arms dealers and government officials from the US, Saudi Arabia and UAE. They have been involved in the trafficking of at least 3 million pieces of Serbian weapons (mortar shells and rockets) to Yemen and Syria in the last three years.
Tracking the lot number of these Serbian weapons I was able to identify and trace mortar shells in the hands of Islamic State terrorists in Yemen back to their buyer – the US Government.
These documents expose the biggest lie in the US foreign policy – officially fighting terrorism while secretly supporting it.“
350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists
„At least 350 diplomatic Silk Way Airlines (an Azerbaijani state-run company) flights transported weapons for war conflicts across the world over the last 3 years. The state aircrafts of Azerbaijan carried on-board tens of tons of heavy weapons and ammunition headed to terrorists under the cover of diplomatic flights. Documents implicating Silk Way Airlines in arms supplies were sent to me by an anonymous twitter account – Anonymous Bulgaria.
The leaked files include correspondence between the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria with attached documents for weapons deals and diplomatic clearance for overflight and/or landing in Bulgaria and many other European countries, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, to name a few.
According to these documents, Silk Way Airlines offered diplomatic flights to private companies and arms manufacturers from the US, Balkans, and Israel, as well as to the militaries of Saudi Arabia, UAE, and US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and the military forces of Germany and Denmark in Afghanistan and of Sweden in Iraq. Diplomatic flights are exempt of checks, air bills, and taxes, meaning that Silk Way airplanes freely transported hundreds of tons of weapons to different locations around the world without regulation. They made technical landings with stays varying from a few hours to up to a day in intermediary locations without any logical reasons such as needing to refuel the planes.“
Vergleiche zu dem Thema auch den Rubikon-Artikel „Woher kommen die Waffen?„
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