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Fox News: IS-Kopfabschneider-Video im Studio hergestellt

Über den Artikel „Pentagon Paid $540mn to PR firm Bell Pottinger to Produce Fake Terrorist Videos“ vom 3. Oktober 2016 bei bin ich die Information gestoßen, dass mindestens eines der berühmten Videos, welches schwarz vermummte Kämpfer des IS (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, „Islamischer Staat“) mit zu köpfenden Geiseln in orangener Kleidung zeigt, Experten zufolge in einem Filmstudio vor einem Green-Screen und nicht direkt in der syrischen Wüste aufgenommen worden sein soll und dass Fox News Entsprechendes in dem Artikel „Experts say ISIS ransom clip faked as deadline for Japanese hostages passes“ berichtete. Einen Fake-Verdacht bei den Kopfabschneider-Videos gab es ja schon lange. Der Fox-News-Artikel mit den Expertenstimmen dazu bezüglich einer Fälschung war mir bisher nicht bekannt.


In dem genannten Artikel von 21st Century Wire geht es im Wesentlichen darum, dass das US-Verteidigungsministerium die PR-Firma „Bell Pottinger“ bezahlte, um gefälschte Al-Qaida-Videos herzustellen. Dies ging in den letzten Tagen durch die Presse. So berichtete beispielsweise der britische Independent: „US government spent over $500m on fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos that tracked location of viewers„. Deutschsprachige Nachrichten zum Stichwort „Bell Pottinger“ sind aber eher rar gesät. Sputnik News titelt: „Bestellte Pentagon gefälschte Al-Qaida-Videos für 500 Millionen US-Dollar?„.

Zitat aus dem Artikel von „The latest chapter out of the fake war on terror: the Pentagon paid over half a billion dollars in US taxpayer money to a British PR firm – to create fake al Qaeda videos. London-based PR firm Bell Pottinger, has a long list of unsavoury clients including Saudi Arabia, General Pinochet, and now the CIA too. This dodgy contract was signed off by White House and the General David ‚The Surge‘ Petraeus, which is particularly interesting when considering that the firm was also paid to created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.“.

Zitat aus dem Artikel von 21st Century Wire bezüglich des ISIS-Fake-Videos mit „Jihadi John“ und den beiden japanischen Geiseln: „Where this story gets really interesting is taken in context with all of the numerous staged ISIS and ‘Jihadi John’ terrorist propaganda videos which flooded the US and British press and which were the basis for the entire US-led intervention against the so-called Islamic State in Syria. In addition, the character known as ‘Jihadi John’ has direct ties to British Security Services. FAKE ISIS VIDEOS: This ‘Jihadi John’ video was filmed in a studio, against a green screen. Was this produced by Bell Pottinger or a similar PR firm too? FOX News has since admitted that at least one of the ISIS beheading videos was staged in a studio.„.

Der Fox-News-Artikel zu dem gefälschten Video: „The video […] appeared to have been shot in the same location as those showing American hostages James Foley, Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig, and British captives David Haines and Alan Henning. […] New analysis of the video appears to reveal the message was shot indoors using a ‚green screen,‘ and a phony backdrop, according to Veryan Khan, editorial director for the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium. She told The Associated Press the light source on the men in the latest videos appears to be coming from two different directions — as opposed to one bright sun, and said if the video was made outdoors in natural light, the shadows behind them should be going in one direction. Instead, they converge. ‚The hostages are visibly bothered by‘ the bright light, she said. Although one of the hostage’s jumpsuits flutters in a breeze, Khan said she believes a fan caused the movement and noted that wind in the desert would be noisy and affect the sound quality of the statements being made by the knife-wielding man. It would also kick up dust, and none seems apparent, she said. […] The killings of the five other hostages took place between August and November. The U.S.-led coalition began targeting IS militants in Syria in mid-September“.


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