Yesterday, the french UNO ambassador presented an image that should allegedly show two bombed hospitals in Aleppo, Syria (by Syrian government or Russia), at the same day.
Unfortunately, the same photo appeared before in a two year old german article about Gaza …
The german article (n-tv, 3rd August 2014) with the original image from Gaza: „Breite Mehrheit für den Krieg. ‚Die Stimmung in Israel ist aufgeladen‘“ (not even in Syria).
Propaganda fake of France (28th September 2016) as posted at Twitter: „2 hospitals were bombed earlier today in #Aleppo #UNSC holds meeting on healthcare in armed conflict this morning Our call: #NotATarget„, plus two pics.
The fake reminds one of this White Helmets classic (14th April 2013 vs. 19th August 2015):