English Gesellschaft Medien Politik Wirtschaft Wissenschaft

Prof. Püschel: Corona is a relatively harmless viral disease, end quarantine

Professor Dr. Klaus Püschel is a forensic physician and head of the Hamburg Forensic Medicine Department. He has examined the deceased in Hamburg who are counted as corona death victims and is calling for the „anti-corona measures“ to be lifted.  It is a relatively harmless viral disease.

„He and his team are examining the Corona victims in Hamburg: Now the Hamburg forensic doctor Klaus Püschel has appealed to Chancellor Angela Merkel to slowly reopen Germany. ‚Now is the right time‘, Püschel told the ‚Hamburger Abendblatt‘. He added: ‚The time of the virologists is over. We should now ask others what is the right thing to do in the corona crisis, for example the intensive care doctors. According to his findings, Covid-19 is ‚a comparatively harmless viral disease‘. The Germans would have to learn to live with it, and without quarantine. The fatalities he examined had all had such severe pre-existing conditions that, ‚even if that sounds harsh, they all died in the course of this year,‘ said Püschel.“

Please also note the expert opinions on the Corona crisis.

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