Gesellschaft Medien Politik Wirtschaft Wissenschaft

Bitte von GlobalResearch

Große Bitte von GlobalResearch:

Beyond Censorship: Killing the Truth

Dear readers,

Over the past few months, independent media –including Global Research– has felt the sting of increased online censorship, in the form of a crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives. While our core readership has remained (thank you!), an increasing lack of visibility means reaching new readers has now become problematic.  

In what effectively amounts to online censorship directed against Global Research, our Facebook and Twitter pages have been deleted, our Youtube account has been closed and Google is increasingly highlighting defamatory articles directed against Global Research and its authors.

In order to push back against measures such as these, our objective is to recruit as many committed “volunteers” as possible among our 50,000+ Newsletter subscribers and our near 1 million monthly readers.

If you are in a position to donate 5-10 minutes of your day, we would be forever grateful. Here are some ways you could help:

  • Establish an email list of some fifty friends and family and forward the daily Global Research Newsletter and/or your favourite Global Research articles to this list on a daily basis.
  • Use the various instruments of online posting and social media creatively to “spread the word”. Click the “like” and “share” buttons on our articles’ pages for starters. Help keep our articles circulating.
  • Post one or more Global Research articles on internet discussion groups and blogs to build a dialogue around our coverage.
  • Do you have friends who would benefit from our articles? Consider encouraging them to sign up for our newsletter (click here for sign-up form).
  • Are you part of a community group or organized discussion group? Submit a topic we have covered or a specific article from our website for discussion at your next meeting.

Five to ten minutes a day. Let us know how you are proceeding. Feel free to send feedback to

If you are pressed for time but would like to support Global Research as part of our June donation campaign, please consider making a donationbecoming a member, or purchasing a book from our online store.

Spendenkonto für die Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Stern/Bertelsmann-Konzern

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