Gesellschaft Medien Politik Wirtschaft Wissenschaft

Sechs Menschen starben bei Corona-Impfstoff-Versuchen in den USA

Kill or cure? | Pfizer stocks lose 2% after trial-death news and allergy warnings
11.12.2020, 17:31 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel – NachrichtenspiegelOnline – Well, that’s a drop alright! Pfizer shares drop 2 percent following COVID-jab-related deaths and warnings about adverse reactions. Those with allergies in the UK were advised not to get Pfizer’s vaccine, while, in the US, the FDA revealed that six people had died during trials, but stressed this was no cause for concern and within […]…

Spendenkonto für die Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Stern/Bertelsmann-Konzern

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