English Gesellschaft Internet Medien Politik Wissenschaft

Twitter, I’ve got some questions …

Dear Twitter team,

I’ve got some questions and I’d like to use your answers in a news story.

1.) What is the minimum age for a twitter account? Is there a „world wide minimum age“?

2.) How is it possible that a seven year old girl has a Twitter account?

3.) To whom does the Twitter account of Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) belong?

4.) From which country has the account @AlabedBana been registered? England?

5.) Who verified the account @AlabedBana?

6.) You’ve got the IP adresses of tweets. From which country or countries do the Bana Alabed tweets come?

Best regards,

Jens Bernert

Blauer Bote Magazin

Spendenkonto für die Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Stern/Bertelsmann-Konzern

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